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“Always Brighter, Clearly the Best”

A Family-Owned and Operated Cleaning Company

When you need superior exterior or interior cleaning services, turn to the professionals at New Concept Meticulous Cleaning. Our highly trained, professional staff is dedicated to upholding our outstanding reputation for quality workmanship and meticulous attention to detail. With a variety of services available, New Concept Cleaning truly is Dane County’s one-stop-shop for all cleaning needs.

Our Cleaning Services

Since 1988, New Concept Cleaning has established itself as a reputable exterior and interior cleaning company in the Madison area.  Beginning as a home cleaning service, we quickly realized our customers desire for a complete cleaning service.  We listened and delivered for our customers, adding window cleaning, pressure washing, and solar panel cleaning to our cleaning services.  Over the last 38 years, our services have been tried and tested, allowing us to deliver exceptional, affordable cleaning services. Find our more below!

Why Choose Us?

Local Industry Leader

New Concept Cleaning, a family owned and operated business, has been servicing the greater Madison areas cleaning needs for over 35 years.  Throughout that time we have continuously learned and adapted, allowing us to deploy a safe and modern cleaning experience. From our recurring home cleaning service to our window cleaning service; we look forward to sharing the experience and quality workmanship we’ve acquired with you.

Quality Assurance

Cutting corners has never been an option.  That’s why we clean everything as if it were our own, thoroughly and professionally each and every time. Our training methods ensure each and every employee understands our companies expectations for quality workmanship and attention to detail.  Although we offer a variety of services, our employees are service specifically trained, meaning they specialize in the work they are performing. Whether it is a home cleaner or solar panel cleaner, you can rest assure that you will get a high quality service.

Exceeding Expectations

Our main goal with every job is to exceed our customers expectations, not just meet them. After all, hiring a cleaning company is an investment you make and our job is to deliver with exceptional returns. In the end, we want every customer to feel that they are getting the return on investment they deserve.  Your satisfaction is always our upmost priority and we will go the extra mile to ensure of it.

Home Office Cleaning

Experience it Yourself


What Our Customers Say

New Concept Meticulous Cleaning

4713 Femrite Dr
Madison, WI 53716



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM